As for the movie itself, I really enjoyed the visuals. I did think using a phoenix to symbolize himself and his downfall was kind of weak though. Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly says that we are to take the phoenix as," A metaphor for how West feels about the acceptance of not necessarily his music, but his public behavior (epitomized by the West-Taylor Swift VMA moment)." Tucker feels as though the heavily symbolism in the film really means, "Roughly speaking, people aren’t open-minded; they don’t accept what they don’t immediately understand. The main reasoning behind this idea stems from the phoenix saying, “You know what I hate about your world? Anything that is different you try to change, you try to tear it down" right before she takes off into flight, with West chasing after her in the final scenes.
I for one am definitely a fan of this work. I feel that it is just another expression of himself, this time it is much more pleasant though because it definitely much more calm and artistic than in previous times. I do believe he is much more than just some hip-hop rapper; After seeing him in early '08, I knew he was an actual artist. This film, along with his business, fashion, and other endeavors, just seem to affirm my idea even more. I cannot wait until his album comes out on November 22nd. It will hopefully be another classic he can add to the wall along with his another great hits, like College Dropout and Graduation.
Watch the video below (embedded from West's website):
EW article:
*Photo found on Google Image Search.